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Convent of St. Birgitta

Vikingsborg Guest House

Tel: 203-655-1068


Global Bridgettine Website


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I-95 South

EXIT 11, Darien/Rowayton. Right onto Post Road.

Right at Third Light (before RR overpass), Tokeneke Rd.

Right at first light onto Old Farm Road.

Second right onto Tokeneke Trail.

Through intersection .4 of a mile.

Left onto Runkenhage Rd.

Right at stone pillars to the Convent.


I-95 North

EXIT 12, Rowayton/Tokeneke Rd.

Right at end of ramp onto Tokeneke Rd.

Right at first light onto Old Farm Road.

Second right onto Tokeneke Trail.

Through intersection .4 of a mile.

Left onto Runkenhage Rd.

Right at stone pillars to the Convent.




Merrit Parkway - RTE. 15 North & South

EXIT 37, right at end of ramp onto Rte. 124

Go 3 miles to end, make right onto Post Road.

Under RR Underpass, make second left onto Center St.

Left at Stop Sign onto Tokeneke Road.

Right at first light onto Old Farm Road.

Second Right onto Tokeneke Trail.

Through intersection .4 of a mile.

Left onto Runkenhage Rd.

Right at stone pillars to the Convent.


By Train

Metro North to Darien

Taxis available at station





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